
March 13, 2017

Settling Sinanthropus types of people

Of great importance are the findings of the remains of Sinanthropus close to the creatures in other countries. These are the teeth, found in 1948 in the north of Vietnam, similar to the teeth Sinanthropus; two jaw close to the jaw Heidelberg man, discovered in 1949 and 1950. Swartkrans cave, in southern Africa; molar tooth found in the Transvaal in 1938, belonging to some of the ancient people, close to Peking Man.

Humanoids, who owned the bones found in the cave Swartkrans, has features similar to both the Sinanthropus of China, and to the people of Heidelberg Europe. In 1935 at Lake Eyasi, in East Africa, found the remains of skulls of Peking Man is close to creatures that were called afrikantropies. No less interesting – as a new reference to the fact that the remains of Sinanthropus and close to it in appearance creatures represented a certain stage of human evolution – is find a lower jaw in 1953 Makapansgat (Central Transvaal, Africa). This jaw discovered in a limestone quarry, owned by adult, apparently, the female creature named “Australopithecus Prometheus”, and is very similar to the jaw of Sinanthropus Zhoukoudian.

On the territory of the Soviet Union Acheulean tools, indicating the presence here at the time of ancient people discovered whole series is now in the North Caucasus, Abkhazia, Armenia, South and North Ossetia. Traces of or very close to the residence time of a person found now in Turkmenistan – the Caspian Sea coasts, as well as on the heights of the Tien Shan Mountains – in Kyrgyzstan.

Thus, in the vast expanse of the southern regions of Asia, southern Europe and in Africa up to its extreme in the southern regions of the Middle time, before the great or maximal glaciation of northern Europe and northern Asia. Already lived ancient people standing on the degree of development of the instruments of labor to the Acheulian culture level and the physical appearance similar to the Peking Man.

Throughout this territory went steadily progressive process of development of primitive humanity, which had at its core the development of labor, strengthening social ties.

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