
History articles

Different articles on history topic. Plunge headlong into history!

Chellean period.

The next stage of development of the material culture of the ancient people called by archaeologists “Chellean” (by Kjell village in France, at the confluence of the Marne River Seine, where stone tools were first discovered, characteristic for this stage). Most fully studied Chellean location in France, in the valley of the Somme, in Amiens. […]

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The earliest stone tools

Approximately 700-600 with 40 millennium BC., by definition, archaeologists and geologists, lasted the earliest period of human history, which is called the lower (or early) Paleolithic. If the first guns were raw random pieces of stone with sharp edges and simple stick, then over time people begin to deliberately produce tools made of stone, using […]

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Pithecanthropus (2nd part)

Judging from the remains of plants, including perfectly preserved leaves and even the flowers found in the sediments directly overlying bone-Trinil layer Pithecanthropus lived in the forest, which consisted of trees that now grow in Java, but in a somewhat cooler climate, existing now at an altitude of 600-1 200 m above sea level. In this forest grew citrus and laurel […]

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Pithecanthropus (1st part)

The great achievement of advanced science in the late XIX century. More findings were the remains of highly organized creatures than Australopithecus. These remains date to the entire Quaternary period, which is divided into two stages: the Pleistocene, which lasted approximately VIII-VII centuries BC. and covering proglacial and the glacial period, and the current stage (Holocene). The discoveries have fully confirmed the views of leading scientists of the XIX […]

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Nearest human ancestors (Part 2)

Another important feature of the Australopithecus, also inextricably linked to bipedal locomotion, are features of the skull structure, pointing to a more vertical than that of other anthropoids, landing head. This is evident from the fact that a considerable part of the nape of Australopithecus did not have strong neck muscles, which were supposed to […]

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Nearest human ancestors (Part 1)

Tertiary period compared with the whole of human history lasted very long. It began about 70 million. And ended about 1 million. Years ago. The value of the Tertiary period in Earth’s history, especially its flora and fauna, is very large. During this time, there have been great changes in the shape of the globe. […]

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The emergence of human society. Human Origins.

The emergence of human society The era of the formation and development of the primitive communal relations is of great importance in the history of humankind. It starts with the separation of man from the animal world. During this era laid the foundation of all further development of material and spiritual culture of human society. […]

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Slavery in America

Not so long ago, I read a book by Jules Vernes “A captain of fifteen years.” In this book a lot of talk about the slavery of the blacks. I wanted to find more information on this topic, and therefore I decided to do this work. As you know, Europe is very small, and the […]

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Article Review Writing Tips

Concentrate on a theme or problem that attracts your interest when composing a report on an article printed in a specialist journal or anthology. Understand that professors in many subjects compose inside the context of the subjects and can include contain theoretical issues or vocabulary unique to your subject. Understand that many writers presume the […]

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